Have you seen Scrap Mechanic yet? We played it during our livestream last Friday and thought it was pretty bloomin’ awesome.

Scrap Mechanic
Scrap Mechanic

It’s billed as a survival game but we mostly spent out time building weird contraptions in an attempts to drive, or vaguely fly, around the land. We didn’t quite get the hang of things straight away and there was plenty of trial and error before we got anything remotely usable. However we were really taken with the building mechanics and instructions on how to use the different elements of the game.
Continue reading “We played Scrap Mechanic”

In tonight’s Livestream we’ll be playing “Scrap Mechanic” amongst other things. Read below to find out what else we’ll be getting up to!

The Kitchen Livestream
The Kitchen Livestream

The Rough Livestream Schedule

So as we said, first up will be us exploring “Scrap Mechanic” an early access game on Steam. It’s the first time we’ve played it so that should be…interesting!

Next up there’ll be a discussion about our “disagreement” over pre-orders from earlier in the week. We think this is a really interesting subject and will be looking at your chat while talking and taking your points on board.

Oh, I want your opinions on one of my new Tribloos 3 levels, it has moving parts and I want to get the speed right!

We’ll also be talking about cool things we’ve seen over the last few days and if you really, really want me to I’ll play a horror game of your choosing (I’ll even install the Outlast 2 demo in preparation, just in case).

This time I might even remember to record it so we can put it on our YouTube Channel later in the week!

So come along to stick your oar in and have a laugh with the Bumpkins!

Our stream will occur here at 10pm tonight: https://www.twitch.tv/andybumpkin

Hey you. Are you thinking of pre-ordering a game, console or peripheral? Then stop, breath and consider if it might make you a dick.

I’ll offer a bit of background for my theory that pre-ordering can cause dickishness. I’ve spent a lot of time studying magic and working as a magician, so have spent a lot of time learning about misdirection. Many people assume that misdirection is simply making the audience look the wrong way while you do something sneaky. It’s actually a lot sneakier than that. A true master of misdirection makes your mind look the wrong way.

Continue reading “Why you should worry about pre-ordering games.”


In this week’s “A Bumpkin’s Opinion” Andy gives his personal thoughts on the growing voice against game preordering in the light of publishers not providing pre-release review copies of their games.

It’s one of the bigger issues at the moment – big game developers are holding off from sending out review copies to review sites and Youtubers. Bethesda recently allowed the public to preorder a game and receive it the same day that the press got their copies.

I’ve seen a few review sites complain about this and I’m not unsympathetic, but the advice they’re giving you is completely wrong.
Continue reading “Stop worrying and preorder games!”

The Tribloos 3 Development Diary
Welcome to the first in a series of development diary updates regarding our upcoming title The Tribloos 3.

I completely failed to write one for Tribloos 2 and I really regret it. Therefore I’ve decided to start up this up for the third game for anyone interested enough to read my hopes and frustrations while making the game!

So first off I’m actually writing this at the start of February 2015! I’m hoping to surprise any Tribloo fans with a trailer I’ve been working on in top secret. With any luck that came out recently and fans of the series are terribly excited. I decided to start writing these entries early so I had enough material to keep posting when I’m likely in the latter, slightly more consistent stages of polishing.

[2016 edit: “oops, not there with a trailer yet! Stay tuned…”]

But I’m excited today because I’ve finished the first iteration of the path-finding code I’m going to use in the game and especially pleased that it’s performance is so good!
Continue reading “Tribloos 3 – Development Diary 1”

The Kitchen
The Kitchen

Gosh, we’re just full of announcements this week. Announcing a website relaunch and a new game…

You’d think we’d stop just there, but no! We’re going to resume streaming too.

We did a few little streams back when Space Farmers was released, showing how the levels were created and other bits and pieces.

However this new stream will be more structured, more regular and 50% more fun because Rich will be taking part too!

So come along to this weeks stream for the following fun and larks.

We’ll be:

  • Livestreaming some co-op gaming
  • Having an open discussion about that week’s development
  • Discussing any fun stuff we’ve seen that week
  • Taking any questions posted to us in the stream chat
  • Probably playing something else to finish off the stream.
  • Most importantly come and find out why we’re calling this The Kitchen!

it’s going to be totally relaxed and hopefully entertaining to be part of. We hope to see you there!

URL: https://www.twitch.tv/andybumpkin
Date/Time: Friday 10:00 GMT

PS: If you miss it don’t worry, we’ll hopefully be uploading all content separately to Youtube afterwards.

As a developer it’s wonderful to watch people enjoy playing a game you’ve poured your sweat, tears and, quite frankly, your sanity into.

Tribloos 3 Alpha Screenshot 2
Speed Runners Unite!

So when you see a small number of amazing people try to speed run your game, showing you play techniques you never even knew existed while being sooo smoooth with their co-opnitude (sure, that’s a word). Well…

It almost brings a tear to your eye, if we were prone to crying which were not because we’re MEN. *ahem*

I very much doubt the current speed can be beaten, some of those levels are pretty tricky as it is. (I think there’s one level which could be done faster but I’m not going to say which). I’ve watched the videos several times now and they are really impressive.

Just, very well done guys. Very well done indeed.

But I want to know what “All Levels (except that one)” means though!

Check out the speed runners here

I’d love to see someone speed run the “Grinder to the Max” level…

Hi everyone, I’d like to proudly announce that The Tribloos 3 is currently in production!

Following on from Tribloos 2, this game features:

  • 100 Campaign levels over 10 new areas
  • Over 40 buildings to repair/use
  • Over 30 new obstacles to overcome
  • A brand new story and animated storyboards between levels

We’re very excited to show you the first screenshots of the game below. Please keep in mind these are not final, some GUI and game elements are yet to be completed.

Tribloos 3 Alpha Screenshot 2
Tribloos 3 Alpha Screenshot 1
Tribloos 3 Alpha Screenshot 2
Tribloos 3 Alpha Screenshot 2
Tribloos 3 Alpha Screenshot 3
Tribloos 3 Alpha Screenshot 3

Tribloos 3 has been a work in progress for some time. Here is an overview of the game status:

Coding: 80%
Level design: 80%
Graphics: 90%
Music: 20%
Sound Effects: 10%

So as you can see there’s still quite a lot for us to do. But in a few weeks we expect to have the game out for Beta Testing. We’ll also release a trailer around the same time showing off game-play and the new animated storyboard system in action!

We don’t have a solid release date just yet but we should be releasing on the usual channels such as BigFishGames and Steam.

To keep up to date with Tribloos 3 Development, sign up to our Awesome Monthly Newsletter!